Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A Good (Knitting) Day

Well, I have had an interesting day here. First, my grand plan of actually going to work and doing legal type stuff took a trip down the tubes. My daughter, Meglet, called late Sunday to ask if I intended to pay her outstanding bill at college so that she could start class Monday. Since this will be the last semester ever, I felt that it would be financially prudent to pay for her to finish rather than risk yet another tuition increase next year. When I called the university to ask if I could just pay by my credit card, they informed me that if I had MC, AMEX or Discover, I could pay over the interenet. Naturally, I only own a VISA so my first stop was the student accounts office at the university.

Next I had to do mighty battle with Social Security regarding my brother's disability. Crazy as it seems, the fine folks as SSA have determined that my quadriplegic brother, who is currently recuperating in a nursing home, is not disabled and therefore he owes them about $50,000. The battle continues but after my visit today, they agreed to continue paying him benefits at least for this month while they determine if the fact that he is bed bound and on medication that would knock a horse over makes him unable to maintain gainful employment.

Then I met the brother at his surgeon's office so they could examine their handiwork. The surgeon was pleased and my brother relieved. I was also relieved that I got out of the exam room before the doctor flipped my brother over and bared his sugar butt to my sensitive eyes. There is a reason I didn't go to medical school and it mainly centers around my delicate stomach and my overwhelming desire to not see naked old people. I can't hardly stand to look at myself naked these days and I surely didn't need to see my brother's naked arse.

The lack of accomplishment on the work front did not put a damper on the day. The Code Man announced that he and the girlfriend are going me make me a gramma. I am almost finished with my fair isle cardigans and I was starting to worry that I wasn't going to be struck with any flashes of creativity. I tend to go through short dry periods where I don't have any idea what to knit. Usually I take up spinning or dyeing to fill my time, but I haven't had much desire to work in those areas either. Well, Code Man solved that problem. I can make all the little baby stuff I want now without having to give it away. Yippee. The downside is that I am going to have to have lots of conversations regarding pregnancy, birth, baby names and the merits of breast over bottle. Yecch! Is it completely shallow that I am excited to be a grandmother so I have someone else to knit for?

1 comment:

purlthis said...

Yay for Anona!!! A maw maw! Congrats to you and yours...